

Welcome to my CTF blog! I know this looks like documentation rather that a blog, but I wanted to also demonstrate that I could write documentation that would be easy to understand by everyone. I am interested in both cyber security and software development and I believe to be good at either you must also be able to write good documentation.

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So, what is a CTF?

CTF stands for 'capture the flag', exactly like the game where you attempt to steal the other teams flag. In this contents, capture the flag challenges are hacking challenges that require participants to capture a more metaphorical flag. There are 2 main types of CTFs; jeopardy and attack-defence.

  • Jeopardy requires participants to attack a vulnerable system to reveal an encoded string (the flag).
  • Attack-defence challenges are team based, with an attacking (red) and defending (blue) teams.

There are other forms of CTFs as well, mainly web based hacking challenges that are usually more simple.

To see what I have learnt whilst completing CTFs, check out the rest of the documentation!